After having to sell my original Nid army for rent (having no job sucks), GW just HAD to release a flashy new book for them. This was just as well because most of my old army wouldn't have worked in the new book. Once I got a job I started building them back up and this let me explore a new scheme. I also themed all my conversions to include more insect-like abdomens.
I decided to study the 3 existing GW paint schemes: Behemeth, Kraken & Leviathan. All 3 share the following: Lighter chitin than carapce, Carapace is always based black and then highlit up to its color, Yellow eyes. Once I had this down and the fact that Nids work so well with washes, I decided to go with Green chitin and Orange Carapace.
Hive Tyrant with magnetized wings:
This is my old Tyrant(the only model I did not sell). It is made of Fex parts, Tyrant arms and Balrog wings.
This is a T-rex toy with Fex bits on it.
Guants & Gargoyles:
Most of these are not finished, but here are my starting examples. Notice the alternate 'fleshborers' on the right-side Gaunts. This is to help pick out different units.
Mycetic Spores (for Zoanthropes mainly):
These are paper-mache eggs with hot glue & Nid-bitz.
Spore mines & Objectives:
The Following are unfinished (painting), but any conversions are fully assembled. I finally got all of them painted to a point that they just need the detail work (carapace, eyes, claws & teeth, etc).
Using plastic dinos as a frame-work, I used Fex & Trygon bitz to make these. I also used paper-mache eggs for the abdomen swolen with Gaunts.
I used bitz from the Tyrgon, Mawloc and Prime to make these look how I wanted.
Zoan & Venomthropes:
I replaced the front arms of the Venomthropes with claws, so I could use the Lashwhips for other conversions. The Zoanthropes are made from Hormagaunts with Trygon Prime/Mawloc crests. The dorsal vents are from the Mawloc.
Hive Guard:
Simple conversions made from Warrior bodies, Gaunt heads with greenstuff over the eyes, and Barb stranglers with fleshhooks.
Warriors and Prime
Since I started with the Nid battle force and used all my Warriors for Hive/Tyrant Guard and wasn't planning on using the 'Stealers, I used their bodies with the left over Warrior Heads & scything talons to make more sleek, gangly Warriors. The Prime is a Warrior with an 3rd ed ravaner face, pistacio shell shoulder carapace, lashwhip tongue & boneswords. The abdomen is a Trygon Prime chest carapace over lots of greestuff
Tyrant Guard/Primes:
Mostly used as Gaurd, but make good alternate Tyranid Primes, these conversions use Warrior bodies/rending claws, Venomthrope lashwhips, Gargoyle heads and boneswords made from upside down scything talons with Dark Eldar vehicle blades glued to them. Again the shoulder are pistacio shells.
In an effort to have different-looking Guants for Tervigons, I use Lizardmen Skink with fleshborers. They can be said to be "not fully formed" guants.