Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wraith construct Tau allies

I have always loved the aesthetics of the Eldar Wraithlords & Wraithgaurd, but their limited mobility and range have been a deterrent for me to field them competitively. I recently decided to build some models and convert them to be used as Tau allies for my Eldar army.

The Fire Warriors (or 'Wraith Drones') are made from Necron warriors & greenstuff.

Iridium armoured Commander:

I used a Wraithlord and simply added a Jet-pack and some "missile pods".

Crisis Suits:

I used Wraithgaurd, again with Jet-packs & "missile pods". The center model has the Command & Control nod and Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite.


Used the same starting point as the Crisis suits, I added some extra armour plates and Typhoon missile launchers. I thought about using a different weapon for the Smart missiles, but since the actual Tau models use the same design for Smart missiles & Missile pods, I thought they looked fine.

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